season closure Media group at RailZ, 11-June-2009

In 2009 the Media group had chosen for a visit to RailZ in Rotterdam to close the season.
The majority of the Media group was present but no one else of the club showed up.
RailZ is situated directly next to the railway station of Rotterdam and houses a Dutch model layout.
Started to image a polder landscape, they now moved on to show a large city and, of course, they took their home town of Rotterdam. This part of the layout had been opened the Friday before our visit and we were the first to receive a back-stage tour including the new parts. The polder landscape was nicely finished with dikes and canals on different levels and a combination of old and new tracks (rails over de dike and modern tunnels). Marco was very enthusiastic that they also imaged a part of "his" Katwijk in the form of a pump station.
A lot of work had been done to make Rotterdam ready to show but jet the result did disappoint us a bit. There were many places untouched and many other parts were not finished as well as the polder landscape which was just across the room. In the town they tried to have trams running but the tracks had not been laid down to match the stiffness of the trams or visa versa so it derailed about every round.
All in all a nice beginning that will most certainly lead to a beautiful layout.

In the cellar they had a layout made by spijkspoor and I hope they will take a closer look at it when they finish the landscape in the upper room.
Probably we criticize more then others but, we are train modelers.

Below a grasp from our photo's.
Click on the pictures to get an enlargement in a new window.

We meet each other in front of RailZ.

The beach, the first eye catcher when entering.

our first impressions.

The beach express.

The polder landscape.

Polder station

Nice little polder village.

Meadow with cows and a surprise.

Nice meadow with ditches, Pippi Langkous came to visit.

Also Bassie and Adriaan could be found.

Kinderdijk in model, They only forgot the water trenches to the windmills.

The group was too large for the tour and was split in 2.

Group 2

A part of the harbor near the polder.

The bridges over the Koningshaven

Having a chat.

Pole houses, nicely modeled.

Pole houses.

The old main office of the Holland-Amerika line

The Erasmus bridge.

Have a break.

Terminus station.

Terminus station in old style.

A glance through.

They was also for for humor, penguins visiting.

More humor from the commercials.

Central station Rotterdam as it should become, The real one is far from finished.

Central station Rotterdam.

The harbors were done in great format.


The tramway under construction.

One of the many derailments of the tram.