Eurospoor 2010

During the autumn holiday 2010 the VSZ was represented by region Middle Netherlands.
It was very busy around our stand. The stand was well received by the audience. Also the presentation by the Media group was often complete full.
Underneath a grasp of the photos.
Click on the pictures for an enlargement in a new window.

Overview of our stand before the audience entered the hall.

Overview of our stand before the audience entered the hall.

Overview of the backside of our stand.

Overview of our stand before the audience entered the hall.

Viaduct of Brusio.

Viaduct of Brusio.

Adoption module between Brusio and the central part of our layout.

180gr turning module Brusio <-> Cavaglia.
We can also use this one as a turnout to other layouts.

A few films about Eurospoor



Many people around our booth.

Snow plough / rotary.

A Bernina express on the Brusio viaduct.

Rare: steam train visiting the Bernina.

A mixed train on the Brusio viaduct.