The Media group is one of the many parts of the VSZ. Only members of the VSZ can take part in the activities of the Media group. The Media group has members from all over the country. The Media group is NOT bound to one of the regions.

VSZ members gather during the 'winterseason' (from September - May) on average once every 6 weeks on a Saturday. Members or regions host the gatherings on turn. During the gathering we show all kind of film / slides / photo's. All depending on the needs of the moment. To name just a view items from the past years: Slides of new rolling stock from all over Switzerland, photo's from abandoned lines, 16mm.-films from the 60th and 70th, video's about the festivities around 125 year Gotthard in 2007.

We also exchange information about equipment, interesting lines, good recoding points, picture qualities, knowledge of what you record, etc.

At this moment we are busy digitizing all kind of slides that we own.

We are always open for new members and their material.

The Media group provides part of the images on this site.

For more information send a mail to: ""